Friday, August 6, 2010


When Jesus was dying on the cross, 2 criminals were crucified on either side of him.

One suggested Jesus use his special powers to get himself off.
The other one acknowledged his (the crim's) sins, and then said to Jesus, "remember me, when you come into Your Kingdom" - acknowledgment of Jesus's sovereignty somewhere beyond the known world.
And Jesus replied "I tell you the truth - today you will be with me in Paradise".
One of the best promises in that ancient book known as the bible.

We are all crims in one way or another.
Acknowledge this, and the fact that we "deserve" the fate life throws at us.
And on our death, ON THAT SAME DAY/HOUR/MINUTE/SPLIT SECOND, we will be WITH Jesus/God.
And not in some black little garage/cubby-hole/prison cell.

Let your imagination run wild, for there are no thoughts/fantasies/imaginings that could outrun/outweigh/outimagine the beauty of God's paradise.

You either believe Jesus's preachings/words or not.
If not, probly better stop reading now (and you probly have)!
But if SO, then consider...

Jesus doesn't lie.
And if He promises this Good Thing, He will keep His promise to you/me/us.
And He hasn't promised "a hospital bed", "sky TV", "a holiday for 2 in Greece", or even "a place to stay till my father sorts His mansion out"...

He has promised us Paradise - nothing less.

I hope this excites you as much as it continues to excite me - not pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die, but what Jesus said.


1 comment:

  1. you missed out something between minute and split second... it's called the second.
