Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friendship Thoughts

My song, For My Friends, sums up, in a very simple way, my thoughts on friendship.
As I mentioned last night at the Concert/Sharing, we can be and are friends to each other, even if we have only registered each other for a brief moment.

I am far from being the only person on the planet at present who needs and values my friendships.
If anyone out there is feeling friendless, GET IN TOUCH!

There are so many levels to friendship, the most basic perhaps being the person who means you no harm.
At the top, the one who would lay down their life for you...

Jesus told us to love our enemies.
Man oh man...
WHO would choose to be a friend to a fanatical taleban/mass murderer/nazi/?
But what a vision/exhortation/command that is from Jesus.
Let's bear it in mind next time we feel like opening our mouths with an entirely justified barrage of righteous indignation to spout forth.

And in the meantime, nurture, cherish and grow your present friendships.




  1. Hi Gerald,
    there's a great book in the post for you to read and review - more or less on this subject - called "We are All Made Of Glue." Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. And Lois too.
    Richard & Ruth

  2. Hi, Richard.
    Will look for it.
    I have LOADS of books to read, BUT my sister Marjan and I are convinced that Paradise/Heaven has a good library with good coffee (AT LEAST) so the good things will keep!
    Are you in France yet/still???

  3. The book is on it's way in the post
    We're back from France, and back to work! njhem, njhem, njhem... Another few weeks would have been good. After my sabbatical I think that everyone really needs about 10 weeks holiday a year - we'd never want to take though!

  4. Yay!
    Look forward to receiving it!
    It was always lovely having about 12 weeks' holiday as a teacher...
    Look forward to hearing a few more details about France when you're ready!


