Sunday, April 19, 2009

Some similes

Life is like...

food - savour each sweet and savoury mouthful.

sunshine - sunrise at the beginning, sunset at the end (and somewhere else the sun rising again).

music - melodies, rhythm, symphonies, harmonies, as players collide and commune.

electricity - mysterious, full of force, untamable yet sometimes we think we control it.

a fishbowl - all we experience is within the confines of our mortal bodies, yet something waits beyond.

a story - if it wasn't there would be few good books in the world.

exploration - we have a destination in mind, but who knows exactly where we are going?

poetry - rich, significant, potent and sometimes misunderstood.

a party - designed to be a cause for celebration and thanksgiving.

a gift - precious, well-intended, costly, special, highly valued and not given up lightly.



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