Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter/Resurrection Sunday

Another "early" start.
7.45am up.
8.45am to church.
9am practice, plagued by bizarre technical glitches.
10am service including sermon on Baptism segueing into a Baptism of 3 from one family.

I am wearing my special "Easter Jumper" - knitted by Lois as she waited for Alexander to be born.
A Kaffe Fassett (sp?) design of interlocking crosses all in different colours with contrasting colour borders on each cross.
People are used to me wearing colourful jumpers, but this one is special...

Off to O****** (guess where??) for a coffee, then back home for lunch.

I have a little niggly, kind of scratchy, pain (stitches?? something else??) still around my tummy so took it real easy today.
Sleeping at night is now MUCH more comfortable.

Finished Bill Bryson's "Down Under" (review coming up!).

Last evening without children - a quiet, comfy night in.

The message of Jesus's resurrection never seemed as urgent/relevant/important as today - because it is not only HIS resurrection we celebrate, but ours as well!



  1. Yes, I really liked that jumper - very appropriate for Easter Sunday I thought.Great to see you back playing viola too.

  2. I don't wear it often, and have never washed it - it is 14 years old (same age as A).

  3. Hey! I never knew mum could knit!

  4. well, there you go, mouse.
    there are many secrets/forgotten memories that children don't discover about their parents until much later...
    at least you know she can play the piano!
    i am discovering stuff about my own parents still!
