Thursday, March 19, 2009

Whatever Gets You Through the Night

I am hoping that getting me thru the night tonight will be a suitable combination of...drugs (panadol, not intending to use morphine, tho that is there as a backstop), my prayer bear (thanks to the Prayer Team at Mt Roskill Baptist Church - Alexander and Sophie suitably envious), and the knowledge that I have eaten and drunk enough for today.
Visitors today - my sister Joke (pronounced Yo-ker), with deliciously decadent caramel slices, a dollop of Reiki therapy (to ease the pain) and humour and patience, Bill Woodward from church (armed with the prayer bear - must give it a name), Brian Hill my bro-in-law (to drag Joke back to the North Shore, with the promise of a scrabble event tomorrow) and Kirsty my assistant from school (we did do our best not to talk about work). A reminder that visiting hours finish at 7pm round here, and also that on Saturday I shall be making every effort to spend at least some time in the presence of The Who - will let you know how I got on!
Haven't been reading the bible voraciously since cancer diagnosis, but have been feeding on the good bits I already know pretty well - the trick is to internalise the words, make them real and alive on the inside.
Love, Gerald.


  1. Hey, if you're not gonna name the Prayer Bear, at least dignify him/her with capital letters! Bears have got me through many a tough moment.

    I didn't know your sister's name, it begs all kinds of bad jokes about smokers, midnight tokers etc. Then again try being a teacher called Quick.

    I went to the theatre last night - first time in about 4 years. We saw 'Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf' which was very intense. Also a good question to ask yourself if you're in reflective mood. I was quite afraid of Nicole Kidman in The Hours, does that count as Woolfobia?

    Sophie looks so like you! Nice that you have all the gang around. Your complete gang spans the universe and beyond. x

  2. it is now interval so am going to get a cup of tea and a scone. am going to a birthday party 2moro (parties for one year olds are so much fun). i may call in on the way past. only 2 more classes for me then the weekends marking.
    have a good day.

  3. Amanda, the only name I can think of for the bear is Edward...I'm sure something will come to me as we journey together.
    Trevor, you have a fine line in irony. Don't lose it!
