Sunday, March 29, 2009

"The Secret Life of Bees"

Lois, Sophie and I have just been out to this very gentle (mostly) but powerful movie, featuring Dakota Fanning (you may have caught her in "War of the Worlds" and "Charlotte's Web"), Queen Latifa (with a face that over the years has increasingly radiated joy and inner peace, seemingly effortlessly - not bad for an ex-"bad girl rapper"), Alicia Keys (as a very gifted and attractive cellist), and Sophie Okenode (Ms Jones in "Stormbreaker")...
Sadness, bitterness, but lives moving through forgiveness and total acceptance to wholeness and love.
Apparently the book is outstanding - I look forward to reading it soon.
Sophie scored free tickets to it, by being the ultimate Trojan pedestrian (walking to school) that she is.
Wish I could have won movie passes for walking to school when I was her age!
Today was also the first day back to church - NOT playing viola yet (although I had a great time jamming with Andrew and Oliver last Thursday)...maybe next Sunday.
Overwhelming to be welcomed by folks there who are praying for me...
And of course none of us knows where these prayers will lead for the time being.
This has been my second day staying out of bed - sure feels good!
Had a thought that it would be nice just to walk and walk and walk...once I'm ready ( abit like Forrest Gump, but slower!).
With my love to y'all!


  1. Walk and walk . . to Constantinople? . .

  2. Glad to hear you're up and about, Gerald. Nothing heals like perambulation.

    I'm putting a poem in the mail to you -- yes, snail mail, the kind with stamps, remember?! Immediate and satisfying though emailing and blogging and twittering may be (not that I've tried the latter), electronic communication is no substitute for the visceral pleasure of opening up an envelope addressed (by hand, no less!) just to you.

    Much love to you all in the cooling hours of this gorgeous weekend --


  3. Of course the only time I walked and walked was 'practising for Greece. I used to (at least 2x) walk from the interislander terminal to Petone- got through it by imagine I was walking down to Piraeus to see a play by Euripides - apparently Socrates did. I will write the rest - don't really like the public stuff

  4. Helen, know what you mean - looking forward to the visceral pleasures!
    Marjan, know what you mean, too...always used to imagine I was in some episode from Star Trek when playing in the bush (English readers, substitute "forest")at no. 54 Mulgan St! Euripides - did he write about bees?

  5. Very intrigued by these google words (the temporary passwords) sure there is a message in it for me.

  6. sorry - he wrote The Wasps - I think Vaughan Williams wrote the overture to match the Cambridge performance but I may be wrong on the last 2 counts but I am right on Wasps. I think

  7. wasps?
    we had loads of wasps hanging around on the deck today at lunchtime - creepy.

  8. The bizarre thing about the wasps was that the wasp man came but couldn't find a nest.
    They are paper wasps - dangly legs and a nasty sting!
