Sunday, July 4, 2010

Return of the King - Blu Ray review

Peter Jackson, 200?

We all know this movie, don't we?
It was fun watching the theatrical release on Blu Ray today - the pace cracks along but without some of the nifty details from the extended edition (no Saruman??)...
The visuals, on Blu Ray, are of course even more outstanding than previously realised on normal old DVD...
The definition on the oliphaunts, spiders, orcses, Gollum's hairstyle...
The sound thunders along and the sub-woofer threatens to end Middle Earth as we know it...
And there are the eyes - Gandalf, Theoden, Frodo, Sam, Aragorn - capturing eyes in a movie must be a big challenge - well done, Sir Peter!
Now just waiting for Extended Edition on Blu Ray...

1 comment:

  1. I watched The Matrix once with a subwoofer turned up loud. The scene where they storm the building shook paint off our ceiling and made the walls vibrate.

    I'm also waiting for the extended edition of the LotR BD movies.
