Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bowel Movement Anxiety (BMA)

This is a syndrome which, if not already annotated somewhere, I will be happy to claim as a medical discovery (did you know there is actually a medical condition known as Waardenberg's Syndrome?).

BMA is particular to bowel cancer sufferers.

It indicates the anxious state we pass through as we begin to wonder if we will ever have a regular bowel movement again.

Sometimes we wait more than 24 hours - if this is the case, the anxiety increases somewhat.

It is even possible to imagine that a BM is imminent, though this may boil down to wishful thinking.

Post-bowel cancer identification, it becomes harder to judge the reliability of anticipated bowel movement...

Anyway, enough details...suffice to say that this is a thing I am struggling with and probably will do so until there is no more need...

It is no laughing matter, it is not nothing, and the anxiety of the condition is something I definitely could do without!


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