Thursday, July 15, 2010

Morning keeps breaking

OK, time for a chat with the Dr again (this afternoon, Dr Rishworth, Gerald and me):

(We're in Mercy Hospice now, 61 College Hill Road, Ponsonby)
The next few days (2? 3?) will be the deciding ones as to whether Gerald will recover for a little while.

Medication has changed to broader-spectrum anti-nausea, which is fairly sleep-inducing. And is also bowel-neutral, rather than movement-inducing.

After the few days, if no change, we'll move to a bowel-slowing medication, which should allow the belly taughtness to dissipate.
0 - 60 days of shutdown time.
No music yet, but Gerald chose a CD for me to bring in amongst the selection (Youssou n'Dour), so when the time is right for listening again it will be there.

Gerald's choice is comfort above all, he's really sick of feeling ill. (surprise!)
The hospice room is big, and has an extra bed, which allows lovely and keen people to stay overnight.

Right at the moment casual visitors need to be limited - feel free to pop in, but don't overdo it if Gerald is not comfortable at the time (ta!).

Please let me know if you'd like to do a shift sitting with Gerald - I'm rostering people on in 2 or 3 hour slots. Not an onerous job; bring a book (and there's a comfy lazyboy - all good for having a little down-time if you get lucky)!
This is the biggest need.

And I can say that because we've had help with meals, cleaning, taxiing, sitting, and general loving care. So much without asking!

(You know who you are, folks - and hopefully know how much of a difference you are making.)

021 606 115


  1. Kia ora,
    The two photos that you have just recently put up bring more tears to my eyes.
    Tell Sir I say hi, I also left an album (of the band I'm in) in your guys letterbox.
    I am always thinking of the van Waardenberg whanau.

    oxoxoxox's to all of you

  2. what.. me sleeping? lol.
