Sunday, June 28, 2009

'Twas the Night Before CT...

What to expect?

What to hope for?

As Lois often reminds me, there's no point in worrying about things...if it happens, worrying won't stop it happening, and if it doesn't happen that will also be a waste of time.

To, um, put myself "out on a limb" here, I am praying for nothing short of a miracle...yeah, while I still can...and I would GREATLY appreciate if you could join with me in prayer for the same...

I would love this miracle to begin to manifest itself in the results of the CT scan (in case you need reminding, my scan is at 10am tomorrow at Green Lane)...

Now, clearly, if I am begging/pleading for a specific miracle, am I going to be disappointed/cheated/etc. IF it doesn't happen?

Yes! And then no...

Yes, because on a human level, I want life and I want it abundantly and I want to see my kids grow up and get married etc. etc.

No, because of God's love and the simple fact that we all have to shuffle off our mortal coil some time and NOBODY gets to choose their day of death (yes, I know this opens up debate on suicide/euthanasia/abortion/etc.)...

Yesterday I received a T-shirt from Richard Dormandy, reading "I am the way the truth and the life - no one comes to the Father but through me".

It looks good.

Today we had a debrief of our expedition last Saturday - a very good time of discussing thoughts, feelings, learnings, etc.

Hopefully Ian will blog back with his website address - a great account of the whole adventure, and some great photos.

The week looms large ahead of us...

One day/step/smile/tear at a time...




  1. I don't thing Ian could actually "blog" back, because he is not a blog "administrator", so to speak. I'm sure he could reply to one of your posts though.

  2. And please, nobody ask "Why aren't you at school?" because I am now officially on holiday.

  3. Hey, why aren't you at school? I mean, the links are:

    Just be aware that it's quite long - I updated it with some of the results of our debriefing so it's even longer now - and the PDF version (17 pages) may need "Shrink to fit" selected for some printers which don't like printing close to the edge of the paper.

  4. Lord Alex,
    I think for me this week I would be asking you "Why are you at school?"

  5. Thanks for the link, Ian. Very interesting and informative- helpful to know more detail about what happened. I think Alexander's eyes were more glow in the dark than his cast in that photo!

  6. The eyes are indeed cool ...but I think any jokes about A being emo must remain unuttered at present...

  7. It's not funny!!!

  8. That's why I don't want to talk about it any more...

  9. I've updated the report with the helicopter base visit. The PDF is now 19 pages.

  10. Oh yeah - it doesn't need "shrink to fit" now.

  11. I've added another section to the trip report with the information John and I found out on Saturday night, including an estimate of Alexander's blood loss. (web version) (download/print version, now 21 pages)
