Monday, March 29, 2010

Joy, Pain and Scrambled Egg

Early morning down to Labtests - things have improved so much there after the teething troubles - my phlebologist is usually Pania, and today's sting didn't hurt one single bit.

On to school - early morning in staffroom sipping a hot chocolate and checking the checklist.
We have a student teacher, Naomi D, starting with us - a bass clarinettist who studied post-grad in Rotterdam.

Today's game "The Pro's Progress" - aimed at getting students to focus at all times on the task at hand and longterm - yields interesting results (and reveals many year 12s to be a bunch of Ams - amateurs).

3.10 dash off to Sophie's school for a half hour of speed dating - I mean, parent teacher interviews at 5 minutes each (all in the hall).
So many positive comments about the young lady's settling-in and progress - big feelings of pride and gratitude.

Home to dishes, pool-skimming, washing sorting and...yep, here come the cramps again.
Sorry, Alexander, have to miss the meal you "fixed" for us - hopefully next Monday?

Take my moaning and groaning self to my bedroom and after rolling around for a while, call cancer ward 64 and ask for advice.
Nurse recommends buscopan, which I KNOW is sitting on the windowsill, courtesy of one of Lois's old ailments.

Pills duly imbibed, children into bedrooms, wife returns, eccentric request for scrambled eggs on toast fulfilled, episode of Law and Order gulped down, time for blog and bed.

What will tomorrow bring?

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