Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Have A Little Faith" (book review) Mitch Albom, 2009.

Albom is the same author who wrote "Tuesdays With Morrie", a memoir of the last days of an old college professor dying from Motor Neurone Disease.

This book was a very timely birthday gift from my mother-in-law, Lorna.
Timely because it deals with the big issues - death, God, saying goodbye, community, faith, love.

It does so by telling 2 stories - one is about Albom's Rabbi who asks him to write his eulogy, and the other is about Henry Covington, a man who converted to the Christian faith after a wild, dangerous and dark journey through youth.
In telling the stories of the Reb and the convert, Albom tells his story of increasing awareness and faith.

The strengths of the book are its structure (short passages flicking from one life to the next, eventually tying up at the book's conclusion) and its lightness of style.
It doesn't dwell in sentimentality, or preach from the pulpit.
It tells us of two lives, their weaknesses/strengths/quirks and the triumph of their faith as they struggle with the big issues.
Many was the time I wanted to print one of the Reb's messages, but I have no desire to breach copyright - I'm happy to lend you the book if you're interested.
A goodhumoured, generous, positive tome with plenty to encourage and inspire.


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