Sunday, January 31, 2010

What's Going On - Part 1

So, what's really going on, from my perspective?
A day of not feeling great physically.
A little bit queasy.
Playing at church still makes my day, and I intend to do that as much as possible unless and until the second lot of chemo takes my finger sensitivity away.
Enjoying times with Lois and Sophie - missing Alexander, but will catch up with him tomorrow.
Encouraged by the number of people praying for me/us at this time.
No, quantity is no guarantee, but how boosting it is to hear of the commitment that people have made!
Planning to keep going until I can't.

Enjoyed my Real Groovy trip, tho was a day early (club trade points bonuses not till TOMORROW!).
Chanced upon my niece, Marlene and her husband Chris and son Fergus - hijacked Marlene for a cup of coffee!
Determined not to waste time on petty disputes or trivial business, but still planning to keep left on the roads!
Realise I have a load of books that people lent me when I was first diagnosed - I suggest that you claim these back ASAP, as I don't think I will have time to read them all, and I still have books on my bookshelf from B.C. (before cancer).
So I will not be offended if you reclaim the books!

Aah, sun is shining with that wonderful melodica line!
Will most likely wake up tomorrow, and begin a new adventure (also picked up The Mars Volta at Real Groovy - actually recognised it from The Big Day Out!).


  1. Hi Gerald,
    Sorry to hear / read the news about your cancer returning. I must say your fortitude in the face of it and the associated treatment is amazing.
    I hope that this next lot of treatment succeeds in knocking out the big C.
    If you do find time to read more than the stack you have try Maggie Gee's novels particularly if black humour appeals.

  2. Dear Curmudgeon (Alan?) (is that a photo of you in the top left hand corner?), alas, the doctor promises only to attempt at limiting the cancer from growing quick splat...
    Of course, I have absolute faith in God's absolute power to "heal" if He wants to...
    Psalm 91 has been an absolutely amazing thing to read recently (especially in The Message version, or as sung by Sinead).
    I know that my Redeemer lives...

  3. We pray... because that is what we do.

  4. and the word verification for that comment was... amazingly...


    I wonder what it will be next!

  5. So...what was the "word" verification?
    Some of them are actually very hard to decipher, don't you think?
