Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a visit to the dentist...

Has never been such fun!
Or potentially expensive...

I went for a check-up (famous last words).
Why is it that the scene from Little Shop of Horrors plays through as I wait in THE CHAIR?
The dentist, Sunita, is an old girl of Otahuhu College!
She remembered the old gang (including Eileen P, who may be reading this from sunny Tonbridge!).
Because of chemo, I had a good excuse not to visit the dentist for most of last year.
But that excuse no longer holds, so I though I would see what my cute little white calcium friends are up to in there.

Not much good, I have to report!

So now I am armed with electric toothbrush, "bottle washers", and floss.

And listerene...



  1. What are "bottle washers"? Bottle brushes for teeth?

  2. Yes. Very tiny. Supposedly do the gaps at your gums, that the floss can't get to effectively. I am having a hard time getting used to the new regime.
