Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ahoy there, me hearties!

Andrew and I, suitably attired.
Andrew clearly the captain, me some hand!
The chemo nurses waved at us as we entered, and the buzz spread...
I had brought some ska music in for the stereo (well, it's Carribean, innit?)
Andrew went off to visit Lorna, and returned with the priceless treasure of having brightened up the lives of the kids in Starship on his way thru.
After chemo we BOTH sashayed thru the hospital (I feel almost as if we "own" it now!)...bringing further delight to nurses, patients, adults, kids, hospital workers,etc.
A GREAT chemo day (as far as these things go).
Then lunch/coffee with Sandy, a counsellor of mine...
Then District 9 (a superb sci-fi movie, which I shall report on shortly).
Home, to light my short-chemo-fuse with nearest and dearest - not pretty, but reconciled.
Soph out to visit Grandma, Al out to a movie about Charles Darwin's voyage - Lo and I at home watching TWO episodes of our beloved Boston Legal (we're flamingoes!).
I am currently working on a performance of "In My Life" by the Beatles (more specifically John Lennon) for the staff for daffodil day this Fri (cancer society fundraising day).
What an amazing song - I pray that Theo (guitar buddy) and I will do it justice.
I may even find sufficient memory to do it "by heart"!
Please pray for Lorna - she is struggling at present, but maintains her stoically brave face.
Much love and thoughts for all of you (even the ones who simply read).
Thanks Ollie and Renate for the loan of pirate garb!
And thanks, Andrew, for a great day.
Cowboys (NOT flamingoes) next time - and I will take my guitar in as well...


  1. You must be the only cancer patient ever who goes in for treatment determined to have 'fun' and to brighten the lives of others. What amazing spirit you have. Great to hear the positive comments of the doctor. I'm sure your attitude has a lot to do with your astounding progress. I will definitely borrow that sub - just have to find a time in the next week to collect it. Keep smiling!

  2. I had a great day...loads of fun.

    If you are ever feeling sad and low, and think that you are having a bad day. Spend a few hours walking around a Children’s Hospital.

    The Strength and Courage of those small Children, is truly amazing.

    I was glad that I managed to bring a smile to someone’s face today… :-)

  3. Avast! Bellicose Buccaneers!
    (What does avast actually mean?)

  4. avast

    Nautical: stop! cease! [probably Dutch hou'vast hold fast]

  5. Blue blistering bellicose barnacles!

  6. Gosh, Andy, what an erudite explanation!
    Not bad for a pirate!
    And convincing too!
