Thursday, May 7, 2009

purple wigs and hiccups and dom perignon

Purple wig worn to school today - just for fun!
But I got thru the day wearing it, in all my classes, the staffroom, playground.
Scored 6 dates by morning interval - 3 from girls, 3 from boys (all in jest of course).

Catchphrase: "They told me there would be side effects, but I never expected this!"

Dom Perignon actually dom peridone - an anti-nausea pill in my little cocktail of pills.
I forgot to take it before lunch today - a case of chemo brain!
Managed to survive - my colleague Catherine N, a school nurse and Music Support Staff person, came in and sorted me out at the start of lesson 5 (after lunch - last lesson of day).
The last lesson was a bunch of boisterous, messy year 9s, 9L, who were most intrigued with the medicine and then my cancer story.
By the time I finished relating it, I had undone my shirt and shown them the maze of pipes, pump and pouch (and portacath) that is now part of being "surprisedbyGerald".
They were fascinated.

Theo took band this arvo, a real gift enabling me to escape to the seclusion of the staffroom for cheese toastie, feijoas and gingernuts - the appetite has not yet weakened (I know it's early days and I know that physically I am powerless to influence the goings-on in my own body).

Home, to the washing, firewood, dishes, Sophie practising piano (getting into Simon and Garfunkel at present - lovely to hear when I come through the front door) and Alexander into his maths (stuff I doubt I'll be able to rediscover).
Maria bringing pre-cooked meals to use for tomorrow, some pains where my bowel was stapled together and...HICCUPS!!!
Hiccups of quite a violent and incessant and disturbing longer there as I write...

Fred and Patricia bringing pizza from Ari's and sharing time, presence and poetry thru till blogtime...a beautiful one by Pat's daughter Ruth about a caged lion (metaphor for crippling illness, specifically arthritis).

Hiccups back!

Do I ring the "unwell number"?

Find out in the next exciting episode...

Love as always and forever,



  1. Hope somebody took photos of the hairstyle! Sounds like you are doing well, Gerald. Will send off some Reiki today in between baking chocolate cakes and cooking up a storm for Chris's birthday. Take care, and make sure you get plenty of rest.

  2. Hi, Joke.
    Thanks for the Reiki.
    Hope the party is good!
    How did the storm taste??


