Thursday, November 26, 2009

Life Goes On...

Funny how things seem to be normalising pretty much in my life at the moment.
I didn't even have to lie down when I got back from school today!
Things seem to be much more manageable.
Yes, there is still a little niggling sense of "How long?"
But I am being very active at present.
Watched a movie about Beethoven yesterday afternoon - Immortal Beloved.
Don't know if I could genuinely say it's a great film.
I guess our received view of Beethoven is that he was a very passionate man.
How passionate can one person be?
I guess if one was passionate ALL THE TIME one would become exhausted very quickly...


  1. All these peolpe going on about passion - which is not always a bad thing - made me ask the question does God ever describe himself as passionate in the Bible? Answer, as far I've yet discovered, is "no". But words like merciful, compassionate, loving, everlasting, come to mind. Doesn't mean God is NOT passionate, but I found it interesting...

  2. No, the WORD "passionate" may not appear, and in some ways this too has become an overused power-word, so that its power has diminished.
    I have no doubt that God is passionate about His creatures/children and Creation, in the sense that He feels keenly when we hurt and are hurt - "Jealous" gets a mention, and that maybe has a healthier connotation as meaning passion.
    I reckon thru His actions and statements, God reveals Himself as a passionate Person, and as He created us in His image, the passion we have is something inherited from Him (and corrupted at times by the "Angel of Light").
