Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cancer! I Hate You! (poem...ish - not for the squeamish!)

You invaded my body!
You worked your way in from the inside!
And not just me, but also some of my friends and family - you never stop!
And you get your kicks by first of all causing fear....
(When will you visit us??)
Then pain...
(What was that agonising kick in the stomach?)
And you keep on growing person not enough, one organ insufficient for your appetite.
And when you finally reveal yourself and are named you scare us shitless (in some cases literally)!

But I have news for you, my unwanted visitor (always the last to leave)!

You ain't gettin' all of me!

Your days of laughter, mocking and apparent victory are numbered!

While I/we (your numberless other victims) have life, breath, hope, faith, we will fight against you!

You may wreck a tea party or two with your foul manners, dark shadow and rude conversation...

You may crumble our bodies into dust as you cannabilise our cells and chew on our tissue and flesh and bones...

But you will not get all of us!

You may delude our mind, and invite sister Morphine into your hallucinogenic kabbal...

But you're really pathetic.

Because our bodies and minds are not the limit of our beings.

Try as hard as you want, make us writhe, twist, squirm, dance with Death...

But even after you have crucified us with your nails of pain
And buried us in your tomb of silence
We Will Rise!

Our Souls will not be crushed,
And our spirits will rise,
Will return Home (or perhaps come Home for the first time )
And the Door will be shut against you,
And the Rejoicing will be great.
We will be snatched from your jaws,
Either in this life or after it.
And our hope is in God,
And you have no power over God.
Any way you look at it,
You lose!