Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Rock'n'Roll Man" (v.s.s. = very short story)

Rock'n'roll man had seen better days.
He had jumped and jived his way through hundreds of dance halls.
He had met and danced with such fabulous young, and then slightly older, and then a few middle aged, women.

Through rock'n'roll he had met his one and only rock'n'roll woman.
Like rock'n'roll, their love would never die.
Though she had.

He watched his teenage children on the dance floor now, lost in a mass of swirling bodies.
Immortal teenagers, for that was the gift of adolescence - fiery, unquestionable, unquenchable immortality.

And he jumped into the frenzy and the flood of rock'n'roll baptism.
And lived.


  1. Nice use of juxtaposition in the paragraph pairs.

  2. Thank you - a little bit of juxtaposition does no harm...
