Monday, April 19, 2010

Back to School!

Always a buzz in the staffroom the first day back.
How were your holidays?
Where did you go?
Who's stuck in Europe?
Then the classes.
Slow to warm up.
A bit like taking your car out of the garage after 2 weeks.
Forget everything we did/learnt last term.
New beginnings.
New opportunities...
And I manage to last the distance!


  1. I have a bro stuck in Europe - Paris, to be exact - with 30 students from a Certain School bordering on Otahuhu's fenceline. I'm tempted to say 'it's a tough life', but I suspect it's not a whole lot of fun ...

  2. Me I am stuck in Europe - sposed to be back at work after a conference in Italy! Such hard work being stuck in Holland!!!

  3. 1. Did your bro get back yet? Thought things were a bit quiet next door...
    2. This is Michelle J.? Do I detect a note of irony in your last sentence? After all, you have rellies there in NL, don't you? Hurry home now! I have a colleague stuck in London - I THINK she'll be back tomorrow...
