Monday, October 12, 2009

Daily Priorities

With a terminal illness, daily priorities change (doh!).
Paperwork takes a huge back seat and in the front seat come face to face interactions.
Moaning about one's lot is replaced by finding the joy of a situation.
Issues which seemed important to hold on to can be let go.
NCEA becomes...well, always has been....well, I'll say no more.
The quality (and quantity!) of toilet paper "is not strained"...
A student's "achievement"/"success" becomes less important than their growth as a human being.
You relinquish control of the health you thought you had.
God becomes even bigger and more mysterious.
Eternal life is THE thing and life on earth becomes, by comparison, very small and short.
Yet NOT insignificant.
The kindness of a student sharing her home-baked afghans takes on huge meaning.
And the cat spontaneously jumping up on your lap, curling up, purring away and giving you "that look" of contentment, trust, acceptance - the little things become big, and the big things become little...

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