Wednesday, May 12, 2010

24 hours

24 hours makes such a big difference.
Time won, time lost.
Worlds and universes turned upside down.
Faith lost, faith regained.
Friendships fractured, relationships wrecked.
Small into big, big into small.
Governments toppled, new world orders instituted.
The big mouth of a small man silenced.
24 hours to save the world.
24 hours to save a life.


  1. Hi G. Just thought I'd tell you that you greatly encouraged our house group on Sunday via this blog - I shared a few of your stories with them (hope that was OK - they loved the one about you and Andy entertaining the oncology ward and the pics of the 2 of you stars!) and we all agreed that we'd like to face the world the way you do if/when it all turns a bit pear-shaped, with good humour and a big dose of reality. We're all with you and your family in love and prayer. "We" are the Rices, Vosses, Grennells, Hornes, Hulls, Donnells, Hildreths and Croxfords, old V Rd friends of yours - lots of love from all of us, and keep writing. xoxox

  2. Hi, Jill.
    I LOVED getting this feedback.
    It made my day, in many ways!
    Much love to all your home group (some of which used to be ours!)!
    I still BELIEVE in healing, and will take that faith with me into the NEXT ZONE, whenever I go.
    Lots of love,
