Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm not sure about the menagerie

I haven't tasted either of them.
No thankyou.
Is there a chicken on the table?
Which table?
The dining room table.
A live chicken or a dead chicken?
A live one.
I don't think so.
Let's see how he goes today.
Do you think he'll be OK?
Who is the criminal in Indonesia? You got the email, didn't you?
No, did you get it?
Do you remember when Alexander was born?
Do you remember when Sophie was born?
(thumbs up sign)
That's odd, for Johnny!
It was less than four hours.
What was less than four hours?
Flying to Tahiti.
Have you been to Tahiti?
Yes (oh, not true!).
That was my question.
Woops! dropped the antenna!

As often, I have managed to cause a little confusion about the confusion :-)
The joyful randomnesses (when they aren't a little frightening for Gerald) started before the increase in morphine, and aren't (just) a result of the medication.
General end-of-life confusion and sometimes agitation, as well as the uraemia accompanying kidney failure are likely causes.

Whatever ... decreasing lucidity has been noticeable in stages since Thursday morning (it's Saturday morning now, for those in upside-down parts of the planet).
Confusion is less interspersed with awareness now.
Situation is: distinct change during the night (just 1 vomiting session) and increasing change this morning.
I sometimes need to explain which is the glass of water and which is the tub for spitting into once the mouth is refreshed.

I never planned these last times. Too much of a remove from the driving, striving life.
And they are fun.
And very intimate.
Gerald and I are laughing together a lot - the eyebrows are the most expressive facial feature by far.
I just said to him, who would have thought you would be so much fun.
He pointed to himself (me, I would).
More laughing. Well, Gerald can't do the laughing, but can still smile sometimes, and there's the eyebrow thing.

What a difference a day makes ... that might just have been the first line of the very first post written when I set this blog up for Gerald, bullied into it by the ever-agressive Marc Fountain.



  1. Thinking of you all - you're doing a great job Lois.

  2. My sympathies. The blog- you and Gerald talking about life and the inevitability of a death- have been a marvel.
