Sunday, October 31, 2010

Where (to)?

I feel shocked. In a good way.
Stopped, still, reflective, tired, in usual amount of pain, almost static, almost only looking after the emotional needs of the three and physical needs of G.

Gerald looks shinier and happier each day, with no visible deterioration.
Despite no intake of anything but a little flavour from sucking (then spitting out) several tiny cubes of delicious frozen fruit a day.
Less vomiting today. Nice.
Much more interaction with face and eyes than for a long while - especially with the children and me.

VERY HOT TIP: (for those unable to eat / drink)
Cube any kind of fruit you want to try; freeze in 1 layer, and offer as a selection along with tissues and a spit bowl. The momentary burst of flavour will be marvellous.
Successes: banana, strawberries, green seedless grapes, papaya.
Failures: pineapple, kiwifruit (some odd chemical aftertaste in both of those - related to their meat-tenderising properties?)

On and through.
Watch for the corners (they can appear when you least expect them, you can't see round them, and when you get there and make the turn, the surprise is as likely relaxing, encouraging, or exciting, as not).


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Lois, thanks for finding the time to do these updates. We are thinking of you all the time.
