Friday, January 7, 2011


Fearlessness would probably be just too dangerous.

Courage despite fear, though - there's a winner, I think.
Pick a path, make decisions, follow them through, appreciate the consequences.
Be observant, keep looking while you're crossing the road, focus on the destination when you're leaping - be aware of those you touch, and take great care of those you nurture.

It is 2 months.
It is 2 months since Gerald died.
Has Gerald died? Still, now, it does not seem possible. Gerald could only imagine being alive. And, perhaps like all bon vivants, could only imagine life with himself in it.

Yet here we three are, astonishingly quiet in comparison to having Gerald here, with an occasional particular sweetness as new connections are made, or new dynamics tested, in this new configuration.

Omokoroa, Sydney, Coromandel, Waipu, Auckland - our holiday locations.
Preparation for Sophie's Kahunui outdoor education experience.
Early morning walks, welcoming the day, appreciating the unusual warmth.
Personal summer school, only for nerds or keen interested folk.
Multiple dips in the pool each day.
Ever grateful for the discovery of this home.

And I'm getting used to what was our room, then was Gerald's room, and now is my room - reborn in pale-ish but definite watery blue - with the slightest hint of aquamarine.
An odd bedroom-office combination that suits the way I live for now.
Cool as an extension of the pool itself, with a little sofa to wedge myself in the corner of, my books!, enough floor space for my exercises, clean, crisp, colorful and relaxed.

1 comment:

  1. love your blog lois, but can't think of anything to comment!
