Sunday, July 4, 2010

Soul Rebels CD review

Bob Marley and the Wailers, 197?
JAD Recordings.

That unfortunately mysoginistic cover!
This is a pre-Island-global-greatness release, from when Lee Scratch Perry held considerably more influence over the sound Bob and co were producing.

I love these early JAD recordings.
Stripped down, warm, direct, passionate.
Though Island brought us into Bob's presence in a glorious way, the late recordings lack something of the intimacy captured here, I reckon.
Peter and Bunny's vocals are a delight to hear here, as the band moved from being front men of reggae versions of USA-based r'n'b classics through to a much more socially/spiritually conscious basis.

No rating - this one's here to stay!

1 comment:

  1. First issued in the UK by Trojan Records in December 1970.
