Thursday, July 29, 2010

Inception Movie Review

I have to admit I feel a little uncomfortable about watching something in Gold Class, especially when I'm not sure who's paying for it!

After the initial jitters, I settled down to watch this much-hyped movie, written and directed by Christopher Nolan (Batman Bagins, Dark Knight), starring Leonardo Dicaprio.

What a film...

You will need all your wits about you for at least the first 20 minutes, but having them intact for the rest of the movie won't do you any harm...
The scenario is a future in which people's dreams can be invaded/manipulated/adventured into in order to change reality...
Watching this movie gave me a thrill similar to when I watched the first Matrix movie, or Gattaca - propositions on reality that were challenging as well as deeply entertaining.

The climactic section also reminded me in a strange way of watching that great sequence in The Sting (Newman, Redford), where everything appears to be going according to some brilliant masterplan...

This is a superior sci-fi movie, with a cracking Hans Zimmer soundtrack and great performances from an ensemble cast headed up by Dicaprio - my question is is it Marion Cotillard singing on the Piaf song??

A definite one to view again (tho Gold Class not required - a bit of popcorn and an icecream should be sufficient!) - and one hopes there WON'T be a cheapening sequel to follow...


With thanks to Andy and Neil, who were at least partly responsible for the "pleasure" of the afternon!

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