Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where Does it All Go?

Elusive, controlling, both intangible and all too finite...
It is now Thursday.
Apologies for not writing sooner - I have been a bit busy, AND my computer has been playing up (maybe an over-reaction to all those Boston Legal episodes!).
Lorna is still in Hospital, and seems to be recovering okay.
Lois has had a stinking cold, and is recovering.
Alexander has had mock maths exams, and is recovering.
Sophie will be doing both Trash2Fashion rehearsal AND performance at Mangere Baptist on Sunday, and will hopefully recover...
I recorded viola parts for my recordings of Psalms 11 - 20 yesterday, and rehearsed with Super Twelve (Lay All Your Love On Me), and School Band (Waterloo, Take A Chance on Me, Thank You For the Music and Dancing Queen) for the ABBA celebration!
I am still recovering!
The show is on Wednesday September 16th, at 7pm in the School Hall.
Tickets are $2 students, $5 adults and $10 family, no matter what size!
Same old prices (well, we are in a recession)!
We have 20 items, with"interesting" versions, both funny and inspired, but I won't give too much away.
I hope you can all make it! (Those of you who love ABBA, anyway).
There will be a prize for the best dressed Dancing Queen as well!
Don't feel that you need to book, though that is always helpful for us when planning seating.
There will be string groups, woodwind groups, choirs, bands, jazz, funk, rock, calypso...and room on the dance floor....
Also a MIRROR BALL!!!!
As I write I am listening to a CD of Russian bell music...very similar to Gamelan, actually!


  1. Ah, that'll be by Gamelaninov then - The Bells?

  2. Oh dear oh dear oh dear!
    The Russian/Indonesian connection...
