Sunday, September 13, 2009

ABBA is coming...

Not the billion dollar reunion deal which they turned down...
Not Mama Mia the stage show...
Not Mark Valliant playing their hits on the pipe organ at the Hollywood Cinema.
But something altogether rarer and stranger than the above events.
Otahuhu College presenting a celebration of the group and their songs.
All their hits set to be represented in some way.
I won't give away too many details.
If you'd like to come, it's at Otahuhu College at 7pm on Wednesday evening.
Doors open at 6.30pm.
Adults $5, students $2, families $10.

Time for a beauty sleep!



  1. What no cowboy Photos....
    Looking forward to Abba.
    Have a good Week.

  2. The fact that you advertise on a site where people don't really want to see advertisements.
