Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Inglourious Basterds" (movie review).

The spelling "mistakes" in the title are Tarantino's, not mine.
This was the first Quentin Tarantino movie I have seen, so apologies if I restate things that are obvious to people familiar with his style.
Once again, this is not "chickflick" stuff, so for a romantic movie experience, choose something different.

So, what kind of movie is it???
Well, it's basically a movie which deconstructs the Second World War, in particular the Nazi occupation of France, "mashes up" all appropriate genres with gleeful but knowing abandon (if that isn't a contradiction in terms!) and has you on the edge of your seat for its entire duration.
Amongst the mashup lie the eviscerated remains of war movie, propaganda, Paris-cine, comedy, western (soundtrack by Ennio Morricone!), gangster (there's even a section which bears an initial resemblance to a scene from Public Enemies, reviewed earlier), Monty Python (all we needed was Graham Chapman in his military uniform), Indiana Jones, Jean de Florette.....

Brad Pitt as an inglourious basterd...
The lead women...
Adolf Hitler's fate...
The soundtrack (there's even a substantial sequence underscored by David Bowie's "Putting Out the Fire (with gasoline)", which, whilst referring in style to Luhrmann's "Moulin Rouge, seemed uncannily appropriate...)
The pace!
Not all breakneck action - plenty of time spent on drawing characters, then sudden (and often violently surprising or surprisingly violent) action - gratuitous? Subject for debate.
The humour - in spite of the historically terrible contexts, everyone involved seems to be relishing their roles.
The Italian accent scene....

...But where was Mike Myers?...


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