Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hanging in there

Some disturbing and distressing thoughts last night.
Also some pain and discomfort which is something I had B.C. (before cancer), but seems to have sprung back with a vengeance.
Not a happy bunny tonight!
Looking forward to tomorrow.
Tired and wanting to sleep.
Some fun rehearsals, and some disappointing behaviour/attitude from students I expected better from.
One has to keep going.
One cannot crumble, or even grumble...
Small acts of compassion take on new significance.
Arthur Farr has done a lovely version of Fernando for woodwind group.



  1. courage mon vieux!

    the password I had to type in for this comment was
    non silie - which I thought was quite appropriate!

  2. I'm a soldier - these shoulders hold up so much
    They won't budge, I'll never fall or fold up
    I'm a soldier - even if my collar bones crush or crumble
    I will never slip or stumble

    Eminem - Soldier

  3. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God

  4. Richard - thank you!
    A - great quote - thanks, son!
    Andrew - true.
