Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"The Snail" (v. short story)

The snail crawled to the concrete's edge.
He had travelled so far, with such a load on his back!
At the edge, his eyeballs, waving around on the end of his antennae, caught sight of the panoramic Ocean of Green.
He had only heard of this Ocean from friends and family.
And they had only heard about it from strangers returning along the Great Slime Trail.
Now he was here, and he had a decision to make.
Stay on the concrete, or plunge into the Ocean?
The Sun set and rose on his indecision.
"I think I will - "
But we will never know what he decided, because at that point a blackbird flew down, smashed the snail upon the concrete, and enjoyed a nutritious breakfast.


  1. I like it - it's about food and it's moralistic. Or something.

  2. 1. Glad it appeals to you on so many levels!

    2. That's anthropomorphism for you!

  3. I am curious about how the snail made it across the concrete during the day, though.

  4. Perseverance?
    High hopes?
