Tuesday, February 9, 2010

...but Tiring!

At least I'm not an English teacher!
All that marking!...
The energy in Music teaching goes into performing, directing, organising ensembles and handling relationships.
There is a lot of emotional investment, leaving the teacher vulnerable and exhausted, if not slightly demented.
8.15am arrive and start up laptop (don't forget, daily notices before 2pm).
8.35 briefing.
8.50 tutor time (check uniform, discipline latecomers, mark roll twice because tutor rolls not yet on line).
9.10 meet and greet itinerants and new students - discuss Van Morrison celebration, negotiating numbers with the woodwind teacher.
10.10 off to haka/waiata practice with a swag of year 11 profiles to mark (including a precious gem from a drummer - "I was born doing this" - poor mum!).
10.50 morning break (don't forget notices!).
11.10 meet year 13s for the first time this year - one boy has no idea what he's doing in the class, and is encouraged to swap options before it's too late.
Students asked to write 300-word profiles on themselves.
12.10 straight into a year 11 class - the natural drummer isn't there, andd once again many students have not purchased their theory books...
I find that I have 2 Grade 8 pianists who have completed Grade 5 theory, creating the pleasant question "what do I do now?"
1.10 10T tutor group, and we begin our first class meeting - our chair is Junior Meatuai (there are 3 boys called Junior in this class) - remits are "going on the computers in S1" (quashed) and "Mr vW shouldn't take our shoes off us" which leads into lively and challenging, thoughtful discussion.
1.30 I attempt to escape from the Music Block, but must first give discouraging looks to students who want to come in for "a practice" or "a jam" (some just walk straight in and begin playing on guitars, piano, etc.) - a number of students enter, wanting to sign up for choirs and/or bands (some wiseguys have even attempted to forge Mr Laurenson's and Mr Roberts's signatures as potential candidates for the Gospel Choir!).
A colleague brings in a rock melon to the staff room, splits it and offers the pieces around - refreshing, tasty and welcome!
2.10 down to the last lesson - year 10 rhythm compositions - some have got the hang of the task and are well on their way - even the mouthy boys are making honest and worthy attempts to construct their pieces.
Still, no manuscript, no theory books...aaarrrgh!
3.10 a five minute breather till
3.15 the Supertwelve inaugural meeting and practice - there are, naturally, not twelve present - one boy appears to be deliberately skiving and will be invited to leave, one is still in Samoa (well, it is only week 2 of school, after all!)and one girl needs to leave at 4pm to lead the Cook Island Group.
At 4.45 Theo comes to collect my mortal remains and bundle me into his car where I promptly fall asleep...
And I forgot the notices!!

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