Sunday, June 21, 2009

Touching the void

You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there (YB, my often quoted friend).

On the other hand ...

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy (Dale Carnegie).

A bit too much action and too little knowledge and experience yesterday - but Alexander is alive, not permanently damaged, and pretty funny.

2 quotes from yesterday:
Orthopaedic Surgeon to Alexander: "I'll decide when I open it up and have a look at it whether to put a system of pins and plates in there."
Alexander: "But you'll ask me first, right?"
Orthopaedic S: Looks confused (can the boy be joking?)

Alexander to Lois: "I thought I was going to die when I was lying out there freezing and bleeding and the helicopter just flew round and round."
Lois: "How did that feel?"
Alexander: "Fatal."

We have
  • 1 much reduced haematoma, from a small but very deep laceration (no brain injury or fracture)
  • 1 shoulder to knuckles cast (left), broken lower and upper wrist - 6 weeks in plaster
  • 1 upper arm to lower arm cast (right), compound fracture and laceration
  • Abrasions and bruises
  • A stoic and grateful attitude
  • 2 unbroken legs

Over the next 2 days we'll antiobioticize in hospital, then have a good look for infection and go from there. Risk of infection with deep head and arm wounds full of dirt and gravel is high. Plan A is no infection, out of here in a few days for the recovery period. Plan B is whatever it takes to deal with stuff that happens.

Clear and cool, cloudy periods expected later.

News, weather and sport



  1. Praying it stays clear and cool.

  2. hope this connects with the vw sense of humour:


  3. The days have finally started to get longer again!

  4. The cartoon is funny in a dark kind of way. But pretty apt given our current circumstances!...and to think Fred (pastor) has just finished a 5 week series on Job!
