Monday, June 22, 2009

La, la, how the life goes on...

Alex is back home - hooray!

Now the hard part of recovery begins...

I am very grateful to have school as a kind of constant in my life at matter what, school is always there (especially now we are in the "management phase" of swine flu)...

We rejoiced at school today that a year 13 band, "Brown Touch", have made it thru to the regional finals of Rockquest.

You will have a chance to hear them at the Midwinter Music Showcase this Wed in the Dance and Drama dept.

Thanks to Kirsty for escorting our 2 bands to the heats on Friday!

Lois's "cold" continues to cause her great discomfort - she appears to be losing her voice.

And Sophie has sniffles...

Sometimes I feel like saying "can we go back to Page 1 and start this story over?"

But the life goes take your barrow to the market place, eh?




  1. Aw... so that means schools aren't gonna close? I'm disappointed... I have a very different take on school than you do...

  2. I suppose so...but then if I wasn't at school, it would be difficult to have food, shelter, etc....schools come in handy if you're a teacher!

  3. But not if you're a student- that's when it's just a pain. Although I guess it's a round robin thing with teachers as parents-if there were no students, there would be no teachers... and so it goes that we all have to play our part in school! How jolly annoying!

  4. Think of school as a wondrous community of learning and discovery...even if the teachers/buildings/resources are "crappy"...chances are the teachers probly aren't crappy, 'cos knowing my colleagues over the years, about 95% of us are in teaching because we love working with growing human beings...but schools are ONLY good if they are functioning as above, i.e. organic learning communities...bullying, negative peer pressure, institutionalisation, bureaucracy...those things are rubbish!
