Sunday, June 21, 2009

Or not ...

Maybe home tomorrow ... or today ... or some other day

Just call if you are thinking of visiting.




  1. A huge shock for everyone. Sounds like the outcome was a lot better than expected. Wish Alexander a speedy recovery from us!

  2. Alexander,

    I wanted to offer you a few things that I live by to ponder as you begin the recovery process.

    1) There's a lot of good doctors out there
    2) Chicks dig scars
    3) Helicopters rule
    4) Gravity is unforgiving
    5) Glory comes to those willing to pick themselves up and continue the march, regardless of the pain or circumstances.

    Get well soon - we'll see you next month.

    Wayne, Margaret & the gang

  3. Hi, Joke.
    Yep, good to have the young man back with us (and a clean bedroom too!).
    Don't think he'll be going caving next week tho...

  4. What good advice, Wayne!
    I'm sure this is the Wayne half speaking!
    Certainly looking forward to your visit in July.
    Reminds me of a Radiohead quote - "Gravity always wins"...
