Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"What is the Wind Saying Today?" (poem)

This is a poem by my very good friend Ruth Dormandy.
She wrote it last year, after I had taken her and Richard out to Piha (they live in London).

Strong wind,
Blowing me along wherever it chooses,
Carrying me on its ebbs and flows.

Low wind,
Whooshing up the sand,
In swirls and patterns,
Stinging my cheeks,
Tasting salty,
Gritty between my teeth.

Cold wind from the Antarctic,
Cruel with pain,
Gnawing into my bones.

Unpredictable wind,
Coming and going without a "by your leave",
Reminding me my life is not my own,
That I am part of the Great Wind.

Sudden wind,
Crashing uninvited into time and place,
Leaving chaos and fragments of feelings.

Noisy wind,
Hard to ignore your presence,
Accutely aware of your impact on fragile lives.

Soaring wind,
Taking me up in a spirit dance,
Like a kite cut loose from its anchor,
Free to rise like an eagle.

Drifting wind,
Bringing echos and aromas,
From around the world, to inspire and delight.

Casting me round and round,
In a groove, spinning out of control.

Cool, light breeze,
Softening the sun's rays,
Bringing relief in the heat of the day,
And taking me home.

Ruth Dormandy, 8.6.09

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