Saturday, August 14, 2010

A(nother) Night To Remember!

What a special evening this evening has been.
As mentioned earlier in the week, the prople at my church put together an evening of performances to share their love of me in a celebratory way - very humbling, very loving and deeply special in many ways.

Thanks first of all to Fred, whose idea it was - the idea of sharing with someone your appreciation of them BEFORE the proverbial mortal coil is shuffled off...
Next to Andrew, Michael and Jenny, who co-ordinated the whole shebang and enabled it to run very smoothly indeed.
Then to the performers - such a range and such a variety of connections!
Tears of laughter.
Tears of sorrow.

As I don't have a programme, I can't name you all, which I plan to do!

And of course thanks to the people who made it along, and shared what has been a very special and exciting time - we'll have to do it again some time!

And thanks to Linda, who put a wonderful spiel together about the shows/drama etc., and was tonight very unwell in bed - with us in spirit tho, eh, Linda?

As soon as I get the programme, I'll go through what was an evening of unmissable highlights!


  1. Hear, hear, let's do it again sometime!! I'm just sorry that my family missed it (Barrie took Dairne and our German exchange student up north for the weekend) especially as they were all involved in your drama sessions and musical productions. I'd love to get a copy of those shows sometime - 'Lost' etc. What about 'Little Red Rocking Hoodie' or whatever it was called?!

    Gerald it is always a treat to come to a concert where you are involved. I never want them to come to an end. Wasn't the McNickle family great? We used to have church concerts, Sunday School anniversaries etc.What's happened to the good old days?!

    I have always admired and respected you but that has multiplied many times over the last 17 months. It is so good to see you still enjoying what you love and being able to take part too. Fred is right - you are a very loyal and faithful friend and an amazing encourager - always prepared to help people and give them a go - and ever gracious - no criticism or complaint (unless it's about NCEA!!)

    Wow Gerald, you're an amazing, talented and special guy and our lives are richer for having you in them.

    Now,sleep well and I hope you stay comfortable.

    Sending love and prayers. Coralie

  2. Wow, Coralie!
    You sure know how to bring tears to a guy's eyes.
    I hope the thing was filmed - I would love for the rest of your family to see it.
    Also big ups to Barrie, who was always a major part of the cast for the shows, and so supportive in the Parabola team too.
    It was always great to know that Barrie would do the hard yards (a lot of my songs, especially being new, presented quite a challenge for the performers - when I heard/saw Barrie sing them, I knew the challenge was worth it!)...
    Thanks for your support, and looking forward to chatting with you, Roseanne and Shona when the opportunity arises!
    ps love to your mum too.
