Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Will None of You Wait With Me?..."

Don't get me wrong.
I KNOW there's heaps of you out there, praying with me.
It's about how I am feeling rather than the actuality of the situation...
And it is the night before...what?

Finding out a bit more of my prospects?
Death sentence?
Miracle of healing?
Miracle of suffering?

I am in pain - have had constant aching in my right shoulder.
Gnawing away, sapping strength, energy, patience and humour.
A very poor night's sleep last night - will tonight be the same?

Hungry cats and school reports - both make their demands irrespective of the demandee's health or strength.

Went to a wonderful play last night - "Le Sud".
Review follows...sooon...
Thanks to Kerry L for organising the tickets!

Till tomorrow, then...



  1. Hi Gerald sorry to hear about the shoulder giving you grief. We are thinking of you and with you in your battle....all the best for tomorrow N

  2. Frodo's shoulder hurt one year on, too. Hang in there.

  3. NTW - thanks for your thoughts. This battle ain't over yet! It ain't over till it's over!

    Ian - as always, short and sweet comments. Been thinking about watching those movies all the way thru again soon! Interested?

  4. Not true; sometimes I contribute lengthy posts. How long has it been since the last time we saw them? I'd like to see Schindler's List too.

  5. Ian,
    I think it's been a little less than a year since LoTR movies.
    Let's do Schindler this Easter.
