Monday, March 15, 2010

Home Group

A home group/cell group/bible study group is a subdivision of the larger church.
Meeting as a small group allows for enhanced relationship-building, in-depth study (well, more in-depth than in church - more opportunity to ask questions), and prayer support.

I have been a member of this home group since 2005, and although there have been comings and goings over the years, we have remained incredibly stable.
As you can imagine, when it comes time to pray, I have always had something to bring up for the group - some prayers for other friends, some blatantly for myself and the various crises I have been through since 2005.

The neatest thing is that these folk have ALWAYS been there for me.
It's exciting to look back through our Prayer Journal and see the ways in which our Father has answered our prayers.
Miracles have indeed happened, and I know they still can.
Will my prayer for healing from cancer be answered in a way which pleases me?
Who knows?
Does that stop me from asking, from expecting?
No way!

So, thanks to the guys and gals in my home group - Mike, Jenny, Stu, Maree, John, Andrew, Heather, Aniel, Netta, Tony, Bert, Steve, Rachel, Eric, Janna - for their faithfulness, loyalty, gentleness, commitment, lack of judging, friendship, hugs, tears, sharing.
This has made a real and strong memory for me and my family.



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