Friday, November 19, 2010

Do not stand at my grave and cry

"I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight."

The flocked birds have energy, and, it seems, decisiveness. No hesitancy.

The second night since who knows when, last night.
Good things coming in due season.
The scent on the wind has changed.
Yesterday. Thursday, 18th November, 2010.



  1. Dear Lois, A poem for you (originally found at another friend's funeral):

    Love – Gratitude

    The agony is so great …
    And yet I will stand it.
    Had I not loved so very much
    I would not hurt so much.
    But goodness knows I would not
    Want to diminish that precious life
    By one fraction of an ounce.
    I will hurt, and I will be grateful to the hurt
    For it bears witness to
    The depths of our meanings,
    And for that I will be
    Eternally grateful.

    (Shirley Holzer Jeffrey, from ‘Death the Final Stage of Growth’)

    Peace, blessing, aroha,

  2. It's good to see the blog continuing Lois. Yes, adjustments are difficult - the emptiness when someone's presence is no longer there and yet the many memories which fill the space in a different way.(and you're allowed to feel a mixture of emotions as you come to terms with not only the last 20 months but also the future).Just take things slowly and make the most of the holidays with Alexander and Sophie. Thinking of you all.God Bless.

  3. On the subject of flocked birds in circled flight, this photo from a couple of days ago (notwithstanding timezones) reminds me that comfort and security so often depend on our point of view. From the point of view of the pilot the birds were safely off to one side, but to the onlooker it looks like a disaster in the making. The only way I know it wasn't The End is because I can learn from the shadows.

    Oh - and because the caption says no birds were harmed in the making of the photo.
