Saturday, November 7, 2009


Another beautiful day.
Very tempting to take these for granted, but recent weather has taught us otherwise.
Lovely to be able to spend all morning in the garden!
One thing I do with my teaching is play little games with spellings etc. on the whiteboard.
Yesterday, being Friday, was Jukebox Friday.
This is where the students and I play 2 or 3 songs/pieces and write about them.
Yesterday with my beloved Year 12s we listened to, amongst other things, Tchaikovsky (Symphony no. 6, 2nd movement, which has a 5/4 time signature).
So, as they gave their answers/comments I changed the spelling of their names (they get points for contributing positively, and lose points for "negative" contributions, e.g. talking while the music is on), where possible, so Toni became Tchoni, Kitea became Kitchea and Junior became Tchunior...get the picture???
Of course, sometimes the spelling thing becomes a little "unstuck" - I have had sessions with Year 9s calling out raucously as I deliberately misspell things like Hamony, Melodeye, Rithhim, etc. in order to get their points!
And on Friday I managed to spell INFLUENCE as INFLENCEU....uh, unintentionally.
This was in my Year 13 class, they teased me about it, so I had no choice but to retaliate and take out the RED (punishing) boardmarker and make an example of Issac and Herpert....
The teacher must ALWAYS remain in controll...lolll.....

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