Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Checking in for Tuesday

Apologies to anyone/everyone who may have missed my report yesterday.
It wasn't that I was heading into misanthropism.
It wasn't even that I had experienced some kind of unavoidable trauma.
It was simply that out of time (sheepish grins - after all, how on earth does it happen that a guy who makes every effort to maintain "gentleman's hours", gets taken out for coffee, naps in the afternoon and has no pressing commitments can make a claim for "running out of time"???)

Yesterday Geoff Wood took me out for coffee.
I have worked with Geoff for over 10 years - he is a music supplier (used to be heavily involved in Harbourne and Arthur), and, being the loyal and appreciative soul that I am, I have used his services for over a decade now.
Geoff is the epitome of a gentleman - he is extremely polite, considerate, discreet, and never has a harsh word to say about anyone.
As well as being a good bloke, Geoff and I now have a common thread other than music - cancer.
Geoff has been thru quite a bit of cancer and survived, and it was good to chat to him about stuff other than music as we drank down our coffees and munched our French pastries (Cafe Voila in Sandringham).

Of course, eventually the conversation touched on NCEA, and the proverbial red rag was spotted by the bull (Yours Truly) - my rant and rave was an abridged version of the usual vitriol on this subject - as I was in the presence of genteel Geoff, I didn't have the heart to cheapen our time together...
Though do feel free to respond to this blog with your own opinions and observations on NZ's most recent stab at fair and standard and equitable assessment (if anyone from NZQA is reading this, "bring it on!")

It was a lovely and special privilege to be able to drop Alexander off at the bus stop and Sophie at school yesterday morning (and today as well), and to pick Lois up from the airport.
Small things become more significant, and "significant" things become smaller.

The Killers are on tonight at the Vector Arena, and I am looking forward to them - great singalong songs with poignant messages - expect a review (I must remember my notebook).

Book review coming up of Bill Bryson's "Down Under" - I am very tempted to put some verbatim quotes on the blog, and every time someone visits, I find myself reaching for the book to read the latest hilarious extract to have been warned!
I think I will post his description of, it is not kind, but, yes, it is a real crack-up!
Oh dear, controversialler and controversialler...


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