Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another Saturday Night...

Gerald here at 7.18pm NZ time. For some reason the times of posting seem to be American Pacific or something like that.....
It's been a fairly quiet day today...Lois was in early, then left around midday, after my epic shower (first one this week so I suppose "debut" is also appropriate.
Our friend Andrew stayed and gave me a very good shave too, so I felt very refreshed after all that.
I have had probably "just enough" visitors so far - not so many that it becomes like Auckland traffic at 5pm on a Friday, but not so few as to make me wonder if I smell...
I am currently "at peace", comfortable and pretty relaxed, given the shocks of the last few days. I have an overwhelming sense of God holding me very tightly and securely in His arms, and nothing can take that away.
Psalm 23 is stuck in my brain and heart at the moment,more powerful than any cancerous tumour...spiritually, that is.
Thank you all for your messages of faith, hope and love...every one of them treasured by me.
p.s. did you spot the Cat Stevens quote???


  1. Gerald,

    I think we've got the blog figured out. Here's another one from Cat.....The words of the songs speak for themselves.

    Wayne, Margaret & the troops

  2. Everyone says hi. And so do I.
